Thursday, July 23, 2020

Acne Scars

Most people get acne at some point in their lives and in the worst cases it can lead to scars on the face that bother the individual. Once a worse scar-forming acne period is under control and there is no active acne anymore, the question often arises: What can I do to improve my acne scars?

There are several methods for acne scars. The treatment used depends on the type of acne scar the patient has and is assessed after consultation with the reception nurse or doctor.

  • Laser treatment with one of the world's most efficient carbon dioxide (CO2) and radio frequency (RF) lasers
  • Dermaroller / microneedling
  • Restylane skin booster.


Acne is a skin disease that affects up to 80% of the population in their teens and twenties and in a few cases even among older adults. Certain hereditary factors come into play.

Acne scars can be divided into two categories: atrophic scars that give a deepening due to tissue loss and hypertrophic scars (keloids) that give an increase in the skin due to excess tissue / collagen that occurs during healing.

After acne, inflammatory processes often occur that can take more than six months to heal. During repeated inflammatory processes, the skin may have difficulty healing this and the tissue will be damaged. This leads to a form of lack of tissue and you get atrophic scars.



We mainly treat atrophic scars with hyaluronic acid fillers, Restylane skin booster, which are injected under sunken scars to lift them.

With a very thin and fine needle you can add small micro doses of resylane. You can also use the needle to loosen connective tissue strips that hold the skin at the same time as you inject resylane. Previously, retracted acne scars have been treated by cutting the connective tissue strips with a scalpel. Now you can use this less dramatic method instead.


You do a course of about three or four treatments at intervals of about four to five weeks. Some improvement can sometimes be seen after the first treatment, but after a three-step treatment, the skin has gained better elasticity, moisture balance and structure. Then you make a refill six to eight months after this three-step treatment. Thereafter, the shelf life is further extended.

Are there any risks with the treatment?

Basically not, it is a very safe treatment. Small bruises can occur, but are transient. Some swelling can also be seen in the first few days.


With soft rolling scar areas and atrophic scars, the skin usually benefits from a tightening. This has been shown to be accomplished by causing micro-damage with a variety of needle sticks that occur during treatment with dermaroller / microneedling. Fibroblases are then stimulated through the healing to tighten the skin and a gradual improvement can be seen for a number of months after the procedure is completed.


Microneedling means that with a "roller" with small needles, the skin is punctured into the deep skin layers and in this way a renewal process in the skin is stimulated with the formation of new collagen and elastin. This means that the skin is built up from below, which leads to pits, scars and wrinkles being reduced and the skin becoming smoother and more elastic.

Are there any risks with the treatment?

The treatment is safe and is milder than, for example, laser treatment. You easily become red and swollen on the treated areas, which disappears within a few days.


Most people do a laser treatment without anesthesia, but it is possible to anesthetize with anesthetic ointment before the treatment. It heats up and sticks a little in the skin at each laser pulse. Cooling nozzle blows cold air on the treatment area before, during and after the treatment, which is perceived as comfortable. At each pulse, the laser makes a number of small dots on a surface as large as a thumbnail that at first looks white and disappears completely after a few days. There is usually a slight swelling and redness in the treatment area which persists for a few days.

The treatments that are described can be combined with advantage when in some cases a method is used to, for example, remove sharp edges at the scars and then fill in the depressions with restylane skin booster so that the skin becomes smoother, moisture balanced and elastic.

Welcome to make an appointment for a consultation and assessment of which method is best for you!

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