Monday, August 10, 2020

6 tips for acne

Most people who suffer from acne do so in their teens, the time when our self-esteem is often at its most sensitive. Therefore, we should take acne more seriously.

- Acne is a nasty disease in that way, it affects us during a period when we are most sensitive. In addition, it settles in the face where everyone sees it. Therefore, acne affects not only the skin but also how one feels. It can shape one's identity. We know that acne can affect our mental state as much as many other more serious diseases,.

Treat acne right away

Therefore, he thinks that the comment that "acne goes away and therefore you can live with it", is not a consolation. Instead, treat acne immediately. There are tricks to try at home, and if they do not help, you should seek care.

- Acne is a disease that is due to an abnormal function of the sebaceous glands, often during a period in adolescence when hormones are produced. The sebaceous glands are differently sensitive to hormones that cause them to start producing more sebum, while at the same time clogging the ducts. Then the sebum solidifies, which is normally a transparent lubricant for the skin. The glands close, become tense and may crack a little. Bacteria enter and there is an inflammation that can cause rashes and boils.

Prevent scars from occurring

We get different types of acne, from small pimples to boils that in unusual cases can even cause fever. Some get occasional pimples on occasion, others get several different types of pimples and get them often.

- Many people want to treat scars from acne, which is usually very difficult. The best way to treat scars is to prevent them from occurring, by treating the acne directly, says Daniel Brännström.

Dermatologist's 6 tips for acne

  • Clean. Always wash your face morning and evening. Use a suitable face soap or face wash, it may contain salicylic acid.
  • Let the face be. It is important not to pinch or tear, it spreads bacteria, irritates the rash and can create scars. A rule of thumb can be to always have at least an arm's length distance to the mirror and preferably a little dim lighting, then it is easier not to.
  • Over-the-counter drugs. Try over-the-counter medicines available at pharmacies, preferably with benzoyl peroxide. Do not go online and buy expensive miracle creams, they promise more than they keep.
  • Treat continuously. Continue to treat with cleansers and creams even when it gets better, and do not change creams too often.
  • You can seek help if it does not get better. The best way to deal with acne scars is to prevent them.
  • Some medications can worsen acne , such as cortisone and some birth control pills (but there are also birth control pills that reduce problems with pimples). If you have problems with acne and plan to get birth control pills, talk to your midwife about it.

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