Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Acne Treatment

During puberty, about 80-85% of all adolescents suffer from acne at some point between the ages of 14-19. Acne is a benign skin disease that is not life threatening but for many can cause psychological problems that affect one's self-esteem and quality of life. Acne can be difficult to treat and be completely free from, but there are many treatment options that you can test and apply depending on the degree of acne you suffer from. In most people, it takes from several weeks to months to treat acne.

In acne treatment, the basic idea is to influence as many as possible of the four factors that contribute to the development of acne; increased sebum production (sebum), narrowing of the sebaceous gland, growth of acne bacteria and minimization of inflammation. Unfortunately, there is no one drug that works against all of these building blocks. Therefore, you get the best effect when combining two or more acne medications that work against different factors.


Always clean your skin with a custom cleanser for your specific skin type both morning and evening. There are face washes for different oily skin types and for fine skin. Always moisturize after cleaning with a mild moisturizing cream. In the best worlds, let the inflamed acne heal itself. Avoid squeezing acne. This minimizes the risk of infection and the spread of bacteria from the hands. An infected pimple takes longer to heal and is at risk of being exposed to bacteria. If you have pinched a pimple, the wound after the pimple can be treated with antiseptic cream that counteracts infection and allows the wound to heal in peace. Read more under wounds after acne.

Local treatment

The basis of all acne treatment is local treatment with cream, ointment or gel. Topical treatment is mainly suitable for people suffering from non-inflammatory acne where the acne is dominated by blackheads, or for those suffering from mild to moderate inflammatory acne. Some topical treatments for non-inflammatory acne are based on vitamin A. These preparations must not be used by pregnant women as they have been shown to be harmful to the fetus and may be absorbed into the bloodstream. For moderate inflammatory acne, you can use agents that contain tretinoin, azelaic acid which has antimicrobial effect and clindamycin which is a bactericidal antibiotic.

Oral treatment

Oral treatment with tablets is used when local preparations do not help enough and when people suffer from moderate to severe inflammatory acne that can lead to scarring and pigment changes. Oral preparations are usually antibiotic-based. To start an oral treatment, you need to see a doctor to get the drugs prescribed.

Retinoids, which are chemical derivatives of vitamin A in tablet form, have shown good effect against severe acne with, among other things, cyst formations. A treatment usually lasts up to 6 months and can usually cure acne completely. Retinoids reduce the sebum in the skin and are prescribed only by licensed dermatologists. They must not be used by pregnant women as it may lead to birth defects. After the treatment has ended, it must take at least another 2 months before any risk of birth defects is excluded. Common side effects of retinoids are dry skin and dry mucous membranes, such as lips.

Some women with severe acne problems get help by getting special birth control pills prescribed with anti-androgens. Other long-term treatments for severe acne include antibiotics containing tetracyclines. These preparations should always be combined with local treatment that does not contain antibiotics as tetracyclines have shown a risk of developing antibiotic resistance to the acne bacteria. In addition, children under 12 years of age should not use tetracyclines, nor should breast-feeding or pregnant women in the final stages of pregnancy. Common side effects of antibiotics for acne are nausea, diarrhea, and secondary fungal infections. Most side effects come at an early stage of treatment.


In recent years, some light treatments have begun to be used against acne. These are intense blue light, PDT / photodynamic therapy and laser therapy. This form of treatment works by attacking the acne bacterium. In Sweden, light treatment is not recommended because there is no scientific support for the method. In addition, discussions have been raised about exposing the sebaceous glands to such severe damage and that it can cause problems at a later stage.

Surgical treatment

After severe inflammatory acne, deep scars can be left on the face. These scars can be reduced or removed completely by filling in the collagen in the skin and thus smoothing out the acne scars. This should be done by a doctor as injections in the wrong place can lead to major problems and consequences.

Dermabrasion is a form of mechanical peeling that grinds away the skin. This form of treatment severely affects the skin and takes several months to heal. During the healing process, it is common to become very dry and sensitive to the sun. Another form of peeling is chemical peeling done with salicylic acid and tea tree. This is a mild and antibacterial form of peeling that is intended for mild to moderate acne.

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