Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dark Circles under The eyes

You can handle the problem in different ways as desired but also depending on what it depends on. Here are nine different tips on how to deal with the problem.

1. Lifestyle

Lack of sleep is common today and in many cases a cause of dark circles under the eyes. More rest actually helps.

But then it can be about medical problems such as. allergies, metabolic problems (thyroid) that may need medical treatment.

In some cases, dark circles under the eyes are genetically determined within the family or even ethnic as certain skin types are more likely to have problems. For them, sun protection is especially important as the sun's radiation often triggers pigments and aggravates these discolorations.

Smoking affects blood flow and sleep which is not good. Alcohol can also contribute to the problem as it sucks water out of the tissues and you can become more hollow-eyed.

2. Antihistamine

There are those who get dark circles under the eyes from allergies, for example to food that they are unaware of. You can try, for example, an antihistamine such as Zyrlex 10 mg at night and then wake up and look fit and fresh under the eyes.

3. Concealer

With  good make-up  , you can get far where you either cover or think of opposite color combinations such as orange counteracting blue, black and gray. If the concealer works without major worries, it is the simplest treatment.

4. Good cream / skin care

Cream with Caffeine constricts blood vessels and preferably in combination with vitamin C and can work wonders with some dark circles under the eyes. Creams such as  Hydrafirm  that we have via  ZO skin care,  stimulate collagen which gives a thicker healthier skin with fewer wrinkles, creams with  Retinol  are very good in the same way but can make the skin more sensitive to the sun. It is important to use good  sun protection  SPF 50.

5. Filler injection

Not infrequently, the dark circles are due to too thin skin or that the fat / muscle layer has thinned out. You then get cavities where there is no tissue under the skin. We use fillers such as  Restylane  to counteract the thinness and sagging of the skin. The nice thing about this treatment is that it also gives immediate results. It is important which material you choose. The cost for 1 ml filler is usually about $400. If it is cheaper, it is often because there is doubtful quality of the filler material or the one who gives it.

6. Thermage

The use of energy in the form of heat with eg  Radio Frequency  (RF) to the underlying tissue counteracts sagging, loose and wrinkled skin through collagen stimulation that improves skin structure.

7. Microneedling (Dermapen) with or without PRP

With needles ( Dermapen ), collagen formation is stimulated in the skin.

PRP  (taken from your own blood) adds growth factors that further promote healing and provide healthier skin.

This may not be the most effective method against dark circles under the eyes but it provides a general improvement of the skin in the area. These treatments should be repeated every month 3-5 times. The advantage of this method is that it is a physical stimulus and limited trauma so there is a short recovery after treatment.

8. Fraxel laser (CO2)

The use of  CO2 lasers  means treating sun-damaged skin, fine wrinkles and uneven skin structure in the most effective way possible. The controlled damage caused by the laser provides an enormous stimulus to the body's natural healing mechanisms and provides a gradual improvement of skin structure and skin tone. You see a "thawing" of the skin already after a few weeks and then get an improvement that gradually lasts for several months. Again, it is good to repeat the treatment 3 times at one month intervals. Here you can count on up to a week of recovery after treatment, but then you get on the other hand very good results.

9. Surgery eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is an operation that is performed under local anesthesia and which gives very good results in cases where it has been agreed that it is appropriate.

For the upper eyelids, it is a matter of removing the right amount of skin, muscle and fat and then sewing it together nicely.

For the lower eyelids, we usually take fat that is in excess under the eye and shift it (transpose) to the tear duct to counteract dark circles and sagging in the area. In both cases, you get scars that are usually invisible after a period of healing.

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