Monday, August 31, 2020

Acne - not just a youth problem

If you are over 30 and suffer from acne, it is called adult acne, acne tarda. A common reason for adult acne is changes in your hormone balance.

Sometimes even certain drugs that contain steroids can cause acne in adulthood. It is then called steroid acne.

Adult acne can sometimes be confused with rosacea. Having acne can be psychologically stressful but it is important to know that all acne regardless of severity can be treated. All forms of acne can be treated, but it is not enough to just wash "properly", you also need to treat with medication. A combined effort with cleansing, treatment and moisturizing is an effective way to get rid of your acne.

Common skin disease - but untreated

Acne is the most common skin disease but also one of the most subtreated even though there is help available. Nearly 85 percent of all people have acne at some point in their lives. Although awareness of acne is high, it is common that the condition is not treated properly and the physical and psychological effects of acne are often underestimated.

You can get acne at any age, but it is most common in adolescence when you get more hormones and sebum production increases. During puberty, the body's production of male sex hormone increases in both sexes. It stimulates the sebaceous glands to increase the production of sebum. Sebum is there to protect the skin, but when the body produces too much, it clogs the pores. If the pores become inflamed, a pimple appears.

You can also get acne-like symptoms from certain medications, such as cortisone, or from working in a humid and hot environment. Acne is not due to poor hygiene. Sometimes acne can occur if you have clothes that rub or smear on a certain part of the skin. Some medicines can cause acne.

Inflamed sebaceous glands under the skin

Acne, often called pimples, are inflamed sebaceous glands under the skin that appear as various rashes. Acne begins as a rash, a small superficial blister, or as a slightly deeper and sore pimple. In the face, on the chest and on the back, the sebaceous glands are large and you more often have problems there. It is very common to have both dry and oily skin on the face at the same time. The skin is often fatter on and around the nose and forehead, areas where sebaceous gland production is greatest. Most often, the acne rash is on the face, but sometimes also on the chest or back. They mostly heal without leaving scars.

A more severe form of acne causes large and sore fluid-filled cysts in the skin that can swell and ache. This form of acne often leaves scars when it heals. There are a few different types of acne and rashes.

Different types of acne and rashes

Acne vulgaris or common acne is a form that affects all ages and can range from milder to more severe. It consists of white and black blackheads and infected pimples that become dark red spots on the skin. The spots under the skin are infected and therefore you should avoid squeezing them. The cause of acne can include hormones, various products that cause acne or in some cases even drugs.

White blackheads appear in blocked pores. The blockage gives rise to nodules as in the picture and can be inflamed. Avoid squeezing these as well as it can always involve a certain risk of infection.

While blackheads because the pores are blocked and appear as small blackheads on your skin. The blockage is only partial, the black dots are due to the skin coming into contact with oxygen. Blackheads can be difficult to get out and are usually just as good not to.

Occasionally there may be "crater-like" scarring after acne. In some cases milder and not so widespread and in other cases more severe acne scars. There are different treatments if you have severe acne scars, talk to your doctor who can give tips and advice.

Treatment for acne

For mild acne, topical treatment is usually sufficient. At the pharmacy, there are over-the-counter medicines that contain the active substance benzoyl peroxide (BPO) which is applied to the entire affected skin area. Benzoyl peroxide has three main effects; antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic (opens up clogged pores) and is widely recommended for the treatment of acne. It is also the only over-the-counter alternative to mild acne that is included in the Medical Products Agency's new treatment recommendations from June 2014.

Good to know when treating with benzoyl peroxide is that your skin can sometimes become dry and irritated, which is often proof that the treatment works. You can then step down and treat every other day every three days until the skin has got used to it. If the irritation becomes severe or in an allergic reaction, discontinue treatment and consult a physician.

It is not always enough to treat with over-the-counter gel containing benzoyl peroxide. There are also prescription gels and creams containing several active substances that together attack the acne from different directions and in more severe acne you may sometimes need long-term treatment with antibiotic capsules (max. 3 months at a time) or stronger drugs. The purpose of the treatments, over-the-counter or prescription, is to treat existing acne and prevent more acne from occurring. If you suffer from acne, do not hesitate to contact your healthcare center or school health service for the best treatment.

Good advice for acne

  • The only way to get rid of acne is to treat it with drugs. However, there are some tips on how to prevent and to some extent avoid getting more pimples.
  • Wash your face once or twice a day with a gentle and skin-friendly facial cleanser specially adapted for your skin type.
  • Initially, use over-the-counter medicines available at pharmacies.
  • During acne treatment, you can become dry and irritated in the face, which is often proof that the treatment works. However, the skin usually gets used to the treatment after a couple of weeks. In connection with drug treatment, it is also important to use a mild, non-drying face cleanser and a moisturizing face cream specially adapted for you with sensitive acne-prone skin, preferably with a sun protection factor. Avoid greasy creams and ointments, which can clog the skin's pores and aggravate acne. 
  • Do not pinch your pimples. It only worsens the acne.
  • In addition to using these tips, it is good to start treatment daily and feel that it has an effect. If your acne affects you so much that you feel mentally ill, it is good to contact healthcare or school health to get rid of your acne. You should definitely not feel bad and your acne and your ailments should be taken seriously. There is treatment to be had!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Acne Treatment

During puberty, about 80-85% of all adolescents suffer from acne at some point between the ages of 14-19. Acne is a benign skin disease that is not life threatening but for many can cause psychological problems that affect one's self-esteem and quality of life. Acne can be difficult to treat and be completely free from, but there are many treatment options that you can test and apply depending on the degree of acne you suffer from. In most people, it takes from several weeks to months to treat acne.

In acne treatment, the basic idea is to influence as many as possible of the four factors that contribute to the development of acne; increased sebum production (sebum), narrowing of the sebaceous gland, growth of acne bacteria and minimization of inflammation. Unfortunately, there is no one drug that works against all of these building blocks. Therefore, you get the best effect when combining two or more acne medications that work against different factors.


Always clean your skin with a custom cleanser for your specific skin type both morning and evening. There are face washes for different oily skin types and for fine skin. Always moisturize after cleaning with a mild moisturizing cream. In the best worlds, let the inflamed acne heal itself. Avoid squeezing acne. This minimizes the risk of infection and the spread of bacteria from the hands. An infected pimple takes longer to heal and is at risk of being exposed to bacteria. If you have pinched a pimple, the wound after the pimple can be treated with antiseptic cream that counteracts infection and allows the wound to heal in peace. Read more under wounds after acne.

Local treatment

The basis of all acne treatment is local treatment with cream, ointment or gel. Topical treatment is mainly suitable for people suffering from non-inflammatory acne where the acne is dominated by blackheads, or for those suffering from mild to moderate inflammatory acne. Some topical treatments for non-inflammatory acne are based on vitamin A. These preparations must not be used by pregnant women as they have been shown to be harmful to the fetus and may be absorbed into the bloodstream. For moderate inflammatory acne, you can use agents that contain tretinoin, azelaic acid which has antimicrobial effect and clindamycin which is a bactericidal antibiotic.

Oral treatment

Oral treatment with tablets is used when local preparations do not help enough and when people suffer from moderate to severe inflammatory acne that can lead to scarring and pigment changes. Oral preparations are usually antibiotic-based. To start an oral treatment, you need to see a doctor to get the drugs prescribed.

Retinoids, which are chemical derivatives of vitamin A in tablet form, have shown good effect against severe acne with, among other things, cyst formations. A treatment usually lasts up to 6 months and can usually cure acne completely. Retinoids reduce the sebum in the skin and are prescribed only by licensed dermatologists. They must not be used by pregnant women as it may lead to birth defects. After the treatment has ended, it must take at least another 2 months before any risk of birth defects is excluded. Common side effects of retinoids are dry skin and dry mucous membranes, such as lips.

Some women with severe acne problems get help by getting special birth control pills prescribed with anti-androgens. Other long-term treatments for severe acne include antibiotics containing tetracyclines. These preparations should always be combined with local treatment that does not contain antibiotics as tetracyclines have shown a risk of developing antibiotic resistance to the acne bacteria. In addition, children under 12 years of age should not use tetracyclines, nor should breast-feeding or pregnant women in the final stages of pregnancy. Common side effects of antibiotics for acne are nausea, diarrhea, and secondary fungal infections. Most side effects come at an early stage of treatment.


In recent years, some light treatments have begun to be used against acne. These are intense blue light, PDT / photodynamic therapy and laser therapy. This form of treatment works by attacking the acne bacterium. In Sweden, light treatment is not recommended because there is no scientific support for the method. In addition, discussions have been raised about exposing the sebaceous glands to such severe damage and that it can cause problems at a later stage.

Surgical treatment

After severe inflammatory acne, deep scars can be left on the face. These scars can be reduced or removed completely by filling in the collagen in the skin and thus smoothing out the acne scars. This should be done by a doctor as injections in the wrong place can lead to major problems and consequences.

Dermabrasion is a form of mechanical peeling that grinds away the skin. This form of treatment severely affects the skin and takes several months to heal. During the healing process, it is common to become very dry and sensitive to the sun. Another form of peeling is chemical peeling done with salicylic acid and tea tree. This is a mild and antibacterial form of peeling that is intended for mild to moderate acne.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Which Acne treatment is right for you?

Which treatment is right for you?

Over-the-counter acne medications

Basiron contains benzoyl peroxide and has a proven and well-documented effect against pimples. Benzoyl peroxide works by opening the pores of the skin while reducing the number of bacteria (P. Acnes). Basiron is alcohol and perfume free. Benzoyl peroxide is classified as a medicine and can therefore only be bought without a prescription at a pharmacy.

Prescription drugs for acne

If your skin does not get better with the over-the-counter remedies, you should contact your school nurse or health center and ask for an appointment with a district nurse or doctor. Based on your ailments, they can help you by prescribing a stronger, prescription gel or cream - but also antibiotic tablets, which can give an even more powerful effect. The more of the factors that cause acne the treatment is effective against the better. Below you can read more about some of the substances included in this category of treatments and how they work.

The basis of all acne treatment

Prescription creams and gels that contain retinoids / vitamin A (adapalene, tretinoin) treat pimples in two ways; partly by reducing the inflammation in the skin and thereby treating the pimples and partly preventively by preventing clot formation that can give you new pimples. Retinoids are the basis of all acne treatment and are important to prevent you from getting new pimples and blackheads. Adapalene is available as a gel together with benzoyl peroxide for increased effect. Tretinoin is available in combination with clindamyxin (antibiotics).


Topical antibiotics (clindamycin) work by reducing inflammation and reducing the amount of bacteria (P. Acnes). Clindamycin is available as a gel in combination with benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin.

If you have a little more pimples, you can for a while get antibiotics in the form of tablets or capsules. The tablet treatment should always be combined with an topical agent (such as a gel) to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance. You can continue with the gel when the tablet regimen is completed.

Other treatment

Girls can sometimes get rid of their pimples by using birth control pills (not mini-pills) which help by affecting the hormone balance in the body.

Azelaic acid is another substance found in gels and creams that has some effect on inflammation and the amount of bacteria.

Gollnick H. et al. Management of Acne. A Report From a Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne. Supplement to J Am AcadDermatol. Vol 49 No 1, 2003.

Isotretinoin - when nothing else helps
In some cases, it is best to consult a dermatologist. This may be when regular prescription treatments have not yielded any results and the symptoms are still extensive. Then you can treat with tablets that contain isotretinoin - the only substance that acts on all the causes that cause you to get pimples. The tablets are effective but give some side effects, so they should be used with caution. Tablets containing isotretinoin should only be prescribed by dermatologists (dermatologists).

Skin irritation is a common sign that the medicine has an effect

All medicines give more or less side effects and it can also differ between tablet treatment and creams / gels. The most common drug treatment for acne is in the form of a gel or cream that you can apply to the affected skin area.

Talk to your doctor about how to do it and what you can expect from the treatment. It's nice to be prepared!

If you become red and / or irritated at the beginning of the treatment at the beginning of the treatment, it is often a sign that the medicine has an effect. The irritation usually subsides after 1-2 weeks of treatment. Be patient with the treatment! Already after a couple of weeks you can see visible effect, ie the pimples become less red and irritated and decrease in size. It usually takes at least 10-12 weeks before they disappear completely. If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, you should always contact your doctor.

** 1st Gollnick H. et al. Management of Acne. A Report From a Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne. Supplement to J Am AcadDermatol. Vol 49 No 1, 2003

Basiron AC gel (benzoyl peroxide) is an over-the-counter acne treatment. Basiron AC gel should not be used on damaged skin. Read the package leaflet carefully. Galderma Nordic AB,, 2017-07-28.

Cleaning and moisturizing

Both in pharmacies, in stores and on the Internet, there are many products that can feel fresh to use for cleansing or moisturizing the skin. Here you will also find remedies that can help you hide pimples and dry out oily skin. Basiderm, Clearasil, Proactive, Neutrogena, ACO Spotless, Normaderm, Demons & Angels and Acnicyl Cleanser are all well-known brands in this category but so far there is no medically documented evidence that they have any effect on what actually causes pimples.

When using acne medications, it is important to have a functioning skin care routine. Wash your skin with a mild face wash before applying your acne medicine and moisturize the skin after treatment

ACO Acne Solution, ACO Acnegel and Acnicyl Cream are agents that have limited documentation of the effect on the bacteria that cause pimples. *

* Classified according to the Medical Products Agency as VUM (certain external agents) or has CE marking (medical device).

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How to hide red tones - from acne, rosacea and sensitive skin

Rosacea, sensitive redheads, acne or acne scars. Being red in the face can be hard, but there are effective products and help to get. We guide you right.
It's hard to be red in the face, there are many of us who can sign on after flaring up from giving an oral presentation or a wedding speech. In addition, constantly having a reddish tone on the face can be very stressful - but alas, so common.

Red tones and areas of the skin are often due to sensitive skin with many superficial, dilated blood vessels. But it can also be due to acne, acne scars or the skin disease rosacea. Whatever the red tones depend on, there is help to be had.

We have gathered our best tips and list the most effective beauty products and skin care to reduce redness, rosacea and acne.

Contents: Red skin on the face - this will reduce the redness
• Rosacea
• Adult acne
• Skin care that reduces red skin and redness
• Makeup that covers red skin and redness
• Ingredients that can help with red skin


Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that causes redness and rashes, usually on the face. About five to ten percent of all adults suffer from the disease, sometimes without even knowing it. Contact a healthcare center if you suspect you have rosacea.

Tips to reduce rosacea redness
• Wash your face with water or mild unscented cleansers. Avoid strong soaps, peels and toner with alcohol as it irritates the skin.

• Use unscented emollient cream.

• Do not use cortisone cream, it may aggravate the problem.

• Use sunscreen that is not greasy and that has a high sun protection factor, 30–50, because rosacea is triggered by the sun.

Treatment for rosacea

There are prescription drugs to lubricate the skin. This could be Finacea or Soolantra, for example.

Redness can also be treated with a gel containing brimonidine. The effect is temporary because the drug contracts the vessels for about a day.

The active substance isotretinoin can sometimes be used in the form of capsules if you have very serious problems.

Note Do not treat yourself with the above products unless you have been diagnosed with rosacea by a doctor.

Adult Acne

Acne in adults is common and can vary from getting pimples from time to time to having a constant problem. Why you get acne in adulthood has not been fully mapped, but research shows that it can be caused by stress, sunlight, seasonal changes, makeup, pregnancy and menstruation.

Treatment for adult acne

Adding moisture
A common misconception when it comes to pimples is that you are too oily in the skin. But on the contrary, the skin often compensates by overproducing sebum and fat if you are too dry. Therefore give the skin a real moisture boost in the form of, for example, Jojoba oil, it is perfect for oily or acne-prone skin and also has anti-inflammatory properties

In recent times, several research reports have shown a clear link between intestinal and skin health, especially skin problems such as acne. Testing probiotics, ie good bacteria, in combination with prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria, is a good recipe to test for a happy stomach and problem-free skin.

Skin care that tones down red skin

Here we have collected a range of products that contain substances that reduce redness, have anti-inflammatory pain and are gentle on sensitive skin.

Avoid peeling the skin with whole grains, rather use enzyme peeling, which exfoliates the skin effectively but gently. BHA acid is both mildly exfoliating and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it a good alternative for sensitive skin.

Makeup that covers red skin and redness

If you have a red, sensitive skin or rosacea, you can definitely use makeup to even out the skin surface and hide the redness. Just be careful what products you use. A safe bet is to stick to mineral-based makeup, it is gentle and works healing on a reactive skin.

Do this:
For those of you who want to cover red tones, it is important to know how different colors fool the eye.

• Green is a contrasting color to red. Fits well in the form of a primer or concealer.

• Yellow also neutralizes red. If you have a red-toned complexion, you should therefore use products in yellow shades when choosing foundation, concealer and powder.

Reducing substances - Retinol, Niacinamide and Licorice root

Some specific substances reduce redness and prevent acne. Look for these three ingredients when buying skin care.

Retinol The
substance is a type of vitamin A. It is said that there are few skin problems that retinol can not affect for the better, such as acne, redness, pigment spots and acne scars.

Niacinamide (vitamin B3)
Cell renewal is stimulated and the skin barrier is strengthened while redness is reduced.

Licorice root
Has a smoothing and soothing effect on skin tone. The antioxidants in licorice root are glabridin, which helps to strengthen the skin and minimize redness.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Acleara Acne Therapy

Acleara Acne Therapy is an effective acne treatment that combines vacuum with a specially filtered light that cleans and empties the pores and treats acne in depth. The skin is cleansed free of sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria. Often, the pores also decrease in size with Acleara Acne Therapy. For best results, we recommend that you book a course of 4 times. Of course, it is also possible to book a single treatment to refresh the skin. We would like to meet you for a free consultation to give you an individual treatment plan tailored to your wishes and needs.

Oily skin and / or large pores


  • Suffers and feels bad about your acne.
  • Tested creams and other acne products but did not get results.
  • Want to avoid prescription treatments such as antibiotics.
  • Feel that your acne does not respond to antibiotics.

A combination of vacuum and pulses from specially filtered light cleans the pores and treats flowering acne.

Most people feel nothing at all. A few may feel some discomfort.

The injections are fast. The time for the consultation can vary as it is important that the expectations are in line with the results that can be achieved.


Acne is a skin condition that often affects the face, neck, shoulders and back. Having acne is not something that is physically dangerous but the person who suffers can feel very bad and therefore acne can have social and psychological consequences. Everyone can be affected, regardless of age and gender, although the most common is acne blooming during adolescence. We treat most types of acne and tailor a treatment to suit your skin. An example of a treatment plan can be that we plan a course with 1 treatment / week for 4-6 weeks and then see each other once a month until the desired result is achieved. Then you are welcome to come for a "maintenance treatment" if necessary.

For best results and treatment approach want to meet you for a free consultation before a treatment with Acleara Acne Therapy. During the consultation, our certified dermatologists will review your expectations and wishes, lay out an individual treatment plan and tell you what we can do for you. You will also receive tips and advice regarding complementary treatments such as  Microneedling to get rid of any acne scars and / or chemical peels .

How does the treatment work?

Acleara Acne Therapy is an effective treatment that combines a vacuum with pulses from a specially filtered light to help cleanse your pores and treat flowering acne. Through the vacuum, Acleara sucks out the contents of pores and pimples while short light impulses kill the acne bacteria and close the pores. Often the size of the pores is also reduced with Acleara.

The Acleara equipment is FDA approved to treat a wide range of acne on all skin types. How long the treatment takes depends on how large the area to be treated is. In connection with your free consultation , your dermatologist will give you all the information about the acne treatment and the treatment time.

What happens after a treatment?

Immediately after an acne treatment with Acleara, most people experience a slight feeling of sunburn in the skin. A slight swelling and small bruises can occur but usually subside after a few hours. After a treatment with Acleara, the skin is sensitive and we therefore recommend that you use sunscreen on the treated area.

Results with Acleara Acne Therapy

After a treatment with Acleara, you will quite quickly notice that your skin becomes a little drier, less oily and that you get a fresher feeling in the skin. Your current acne usually starts to go away after a few days. For each treatment you undergo, the result will improve. You choose when you are happy with your treatment. After completing the treatment with Acleara, your certified dermatologist will recommend any maintenance treatment. This is to maintain your fine result and prevent your acne from blooming again.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Chemical Peeling

A chemical peel is not the name of a treatment, but a collective name for many different forms of treatment. With the help of various acids that are applied to the skin, for example TCA and AHA, the skin gets a little lift as the outer layer of skin is removed. In connection with the removal of the dead skin cells, the formation of new skin cells is stimulated at the same time. The older you get, the slower the cells renew. What you want to achieve with a chemical peel is an improvement and "rejuvenation" of the skin.


- No laser treatments on the face at least 21 days before treatment with a chemical peel
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Strong medicines such as «Roaccutane» or other retinoids
- Hypersensitive skin
- Active local infections in the skin
- Active herpes or other skin viruses
- Allergies, skin damage, inflammation and other skin conditions


In this treatment, we use superficial chemical peels with salicylic acid that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and are fat-soluble, which makes it suitable for a slightly oily skin with clogged pores. The salicylic acid is exfoliating and dissolves sebum clots that can otherwise lead to inflammation in the skin. Has a pore-contracting effect on the skin.
- Acne and acne scars
- Oily skin
- Impure skin with enlarged pores
- Comedones (blackheads)
- Seboree
- Hyperkeratosis (hardening and thickening of the epidermis)

For best results, it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments, with 3-4 weeks between each treatment.


In this treatment we use superficial chemical peeling with azelaic acid which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it regulates sebum production and very good brightening effect on the skin
- Rosacea (a condition characterized by red spots on the cheeks, nose, chin and / or in the forehead - often in combination with visible veins and / or small abscesses)
- Pigmentations
- Sensitive skin
- Acne (pimples);
- Hyperpigmentation (especially in darker skin types)
For best results, it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments, at 2-3 week intervals.

45 MIN
In this treatment, we use a superficial chemical peel with mandelic acid that effectively exfoliates dry and old skin cells, stimulates cell renewal, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and improves sun-damaged skin, refreshes the skin and reduces pores. The safest peeling for Asian and African skin, also suitable for sensitive skin.
- Acne
- Oily, impure skin
- Rough skin with enlarged pores
- Comedones (blackheads)
- Seboree
For best results it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments, with 3-4 weeks between each treatment.

45 MIN
In this treatment we do chemical peels with glycolic acid which has a rejuvenating and lifting effect on the skin. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, stimulates cell renewal, increases skin moisture and collagen production, leading to a younger and healthier skin.
- Dry skin
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Actinic keratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum caused by excessive sun exposure for a long time)
- Acne scars and uneven skin
For best results it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments, with 3-4 weeks between each treatment.

45 MIN

In this treatment we use a chemical peel with Lactic Acid (AHA) which is used in skin care to moisturize the skin. Lactic acid is part of the epidermis' own natural "moisture factor" (NMF), which attracts moisture and thus acts as a moisturizer by binding moisture to the skin, also has rejuvenating properties. Chemical peels with lactic acid are good for reducing age signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, improving and strengthening the skin's structure and it has an enlightening property.
- Dry, dehydrated skin
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Pigments and age spots
- Melasma
For best results, it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments, with 3-4 weeks between each treatment.

45 MIN
In this treatment, we use a medium-depth chemical peel with TCA acid, which is used to even out and rejuvenate the skin on the face, hands or décolleté. It is especially popular for the treatment of signs of aging associated with sun exposure. You get a smoother skin with a smoother color and a healthier surface. Since the old skin disappears and is replaced with "newborn" skin, you also look naturally younger.

- Signs of age
- Photo aging and pigmentation
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Uneven skin
- Acne and acne scars

- Mild cleansing milk 200ml,
- Soothing toner 200ml
- Deep moisturizing, soothing face cream 50ml

For best results, it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments at 3-4 week intervals.

NOTE. This treatment is performed only after a free skin consultation!

45 MIN
In this treatment we use a mixture of Retinoid and TCA acids.
Purple peel line with medium depth peeling for a little more advanced skin problems. The results are often as good as the more aggressive peels, but in a more controlled and comfortable approach.
Retinoic acid acts as a powerful antioxidant counteracts the formation of free radicals, a molecule that breaks down the body and skin from within. Free radicals are formed during stress, poor diet and smoking, among other things.
Stimulates and repairs the skin's collagen and elastin production.
Reduces and regulates the skin's sebum production, which makes the skin less oily.
Reduces bacterial growth in the skin and is therefore an effective treatment for acne.
Reduces pigmentation caused by sun damage by increasing cell renewal.

- Acne and acne scars
- Photo-aging and pigmented skin
- Melasma
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Tired skin with uneven skin tone
For best results, it is recommended to do the treatment in a course of 3 to 6 treatments at 2-3 week intervals
NOTE. This treatment is performed only after a free skin consultation!

Monday, August 10, 2020

6 tips for acne

Most people who suffer from acne do so in their teens, the time when our self-esteem is often at its most sensitive. Therefore, we should take acne more seriously.

- Acne is a nasty disease in that way, it affects us during a period when we are most sensitive. In addition, it settles in the face where everyone sees it. Therefore, acne affects not only the skin but also how one feels. It can shape one's identity. We know that acne can affect our mental state as much as many other more serious diseases,.

Treat acne right away

Therefore, he thinks that the comment that "acne goes away and therefore you can live with it", is not a consolation. Instead, treat acne immediately. There are tricks to try at home, and if they do not help, you should seek care.

- Acne is a disease that is due to an abnormal function of the sebaceous glands, often during a period in adolescence when hormones are produced. The sebaceous glands are differently sensitive to hormones that cause them to start producing more sebum, while at the same time clogging the ducts. Then the sebum solidifies, which is normally a transparent lubricant for the skin. The glands close, become tense and may crack a little. Bacteria enter and there is an inflammation that can cause rashes and boils.

Prevent scars from occurring

We get different types of acne, from small pimples to boils that in unusual cases can even cause fever. Some get occasional pimples on occasion, others get several different types of pimples and get them often.

- Many people want to treat scars from acne, which is usually very difficult. The best way to treat scars is to prevent them from occurring, by treating the acne directly, says Daniel Brännström.

Dermatologist's 6 tips for acne

  • Clean. Always wash your face morning and evening. Use a suitable face soap or face wash, it may contain salicylic acid.
  • Let the face be. It is important not to pinch or tear, it spreads bacteria, irritates the rash and can create scars. A rule of thumb can be to always have at least an arm's length distance to the mirror and preferably a little dim lighting, then it is easier not to.
  • Over-the-counter drugs. Try over-the-counter medicines available at pharmacies, preferably with benzoyl peroxide. Do not go online and buy expensive miracle creams, they promise more than they keep.
  • Treat continuously. Continue to treat with cleansers and creams even when it gets better, and do not change creams too often.
  • You can seek help if it does not get better. The best way to deal with acne scars is to prevent them.
  • Some medications can worsen acne , such as cortisone and some birth control pills (but there are also birth control pills that reduce problems with pimples). If you have problems with acne and plan to get birth control pills, talk to your midwife about it.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Questions and answers about acne

Acne on the nose

Question 1 from Map: My son, 9 years old, has two serious acne attacks on his nose, has been to a dermatologist who thought we should use "Clerasil" from the pharmacy. At the pharmacy, they do not want to sell any acne medicine to him as he is so young. Have had this for 1 year now. Is like an encapsulated inflamed sebaceous gland, black, hard and large. GPs do not want to pinch / puncture it due to the risk of scarring. How long can you expect this to last? Is there anything besides cleaning you can do?

Mats Berg answers: Medicines are always first-hand treatment, I think. Start with Basiron, which is non-prescription at the pharmacy, otherwise he can get a prescription for, for example, Skinoren.

Oily skin, blackheads and pimples

Question 2: Hello! I am a woman of 43 years who has always suffered from oily skin, a lot of blackheads and small pimples. I spend a lot of money on good creams that should be good for my skin type. If I go for a facial, the blackheads are back after a few days again. Do not think it matters what I do! Have undergone 2 roaccotane treatments many years ago, received antibiotic regimens, prescribed strong creams, but nothing helps in the long run, becomes a relief just when I take the treatment only. Want some help./Malin

Mats Berg answers : Sad, oily skin, there is unfortunately no treatment that has a permanent effect on. Roaccutane only helps temporarily. The dermatologists probably have as much to add there as the doctors.

Pimples all over the face

Question 3 by Bellen: Hi Mats, I'm the mother of a 14 year old girl. She has many small pimples all over her face. It's more like tiny little bubbles and sometimes some can become pimples so to speak. But she covers them with a lot of powder and it really does not look good. I try to make her understand that makeup does not help. But what should we do? She feels really bad and always compares herself to friends who do not have a single thing on their face.

Mats Berg answers: Start with over-the-counter Basiron at pharmacies. If it does not help, there are many other effective drugs that can be prescribed by a doctor or district nurse.

Inflammation of the hair follicles on the thighs and buttocks

Question 4 by Baravaraunderbar: Hello! My son, almost 18 years old, has for more than 3 years had problems with hair follicle inflammation on the thighs and buttocks. We have been to three different doctors who have prescribed different pencillin preparations, Descutan, Fucidin and Chlorhexidine. None of this has helped him and his thighs and buttocks are full of rashes that sometimes flare up and get even worse. Sometimes some get a purple tone and some cracks and fluids. This has affected his self-esteem a lot. Is there really nothing else to do about this type of problem?

Mats Berg answers: These problems are limited to acne and you can always start with the prescription drugs Dalacinliniment, Duacgel or tetralysal capsules.

Vitamin b5 for acne

Question 5 from Fsklärare: I am a woman who has been battling acne since I was a teenager. Have eaten the contraceptive pill cilest for many years, it has helped well. Now I have stopped using them (soon to be 45 years old) have been advised to eat high dose vitamin b5 for my ailments. Have read a lot about it, and also have an acquaintance who got good results from it. Is it dangerous in any way to "overdose" vitamin b5 like this?

Mats Berg answers: Oh, not fully loaded on B5, do not think so, but there is no scientific evidence of effect. There are effective remedies for acne even at your age. You would probably meet an interested dermatologist.

Son suffering from acne

Question 6 from Maria: Our family doctor downplays me, mother, when I was there with my 16-year-old son who is really suffering from his acne. He has tried most things from the pharmacy. The doctor thinks it will be fine! But hey - without his help I can not turn to the skin clinic in Malmö, where I want to go. What can I do now? Is it through referral that I can get help, but what about when the family doctor ignores my son and me? Feel free to tip.

Mats Berg answers: Sigh, how sorry I am to hear that. If it does not help to complain to the family doctor's manager - try calling Malmö Clinic directly or try one of the private doctors in the area. Do not give up! There is good help!

Problems with adult acne

Question 7: Hello! My adult daughter has had problems with adult acne. Big boils that "go inward" what is the best thing she can do about it? Of course, it's hard in many ways!

How long do you usually have so-called adult acne (I had it myself until I was about 30 years old). With kind regards / Mother of an adult daughter

Mats Berg answers: Acne in adulthood can occur until the age of 30, but there are effective medicines - seek an experienced general practitioner, or dermatologist.

Cold sores in the spring

Question 8 by Killi: Why do I always get cold sores in the spring? Even after a short while in the sun, a quarter or so? It clearly has to do with the sun.

Mats Berg answers: You probably have herpes blisters, which can often be triggered by sun.

Pills in the face and upper arms

Question 9: Hello! My 12-year-old son has had small patches on his face and upper arms for a few years now. What can it be and can you treat them? Worried mom

Mats Berg answers: Probably not. Usually a normal variant (all my 3 children have had it) that passes after a few years. The face itself could be a mild acne (try over-the-counter remedies), but if it looks the same as on the arms, it's the same thing.

Acne is good during pregnancy and in the summer

Question 10: I am 34 years old and have had skin problems for the last eight years. Tried all sorts of different products but think nothing helps. When I was pregnant, the problems disappeared almost completely and in summer it also gets better than in winter? Can I not get this fixed without medication? Do you have to take medication forever with this?

Mats Berg answers: Of course it depends on what kind of problem you have. Much can be improved during pregnancy and in the summer, such as acne and eczema. You will probably need to seek a knowledgeable GP or dermatologist.

Have a lot of acne, but do not want to take medicine

Question 11 from Maria: The son had a lot of acne, the pharmacy's products did not help. Did not want to medicate. Found online Ecnaclyn, all-natural tablets made from a milk protein. The acne disappeared after a few weeks and did not return when he stopped taking the tablets. An acquaintance had extreme acne 40 years old, started with large amounts of vitamin B5. The acne disappeared. Why do doctors insist on taking medication when you can help the body deal with the imbalance itself?

Mats Berg answers: Show me a scientific study on B5 and I can start to believe it. Besides, I do not know what drugs he tried. Acne is not always easy to treat, sometimes it requires a lot of knowledge. Due to coincidences, most things can heal - which is why doctors do not believe in medicines that lack scientific studies. May seem snobby, but believe me - the method of working lasts a long time. Doctors refuse to deceive their patients.

Want to get rid of pimples - but nothing helps

Question 12 by Nathalie: Hello! I have had pimples since I was 14 years old and now I am 19 years old. I have always suffered and my self-confidence is at the bottom because of this. It has decreased a lot in the last year but it is not completely gone. I have never had nice, smooth skin without any pimples and that is all I want! I use products / makeup adapted for my skin and am very happy with cleansing but it does not seem to help. Have had a lot of ointments prescribed but it absolutely does not help. What should I do?! Nobody listens.

Mats Berg answers: You should start by looking for a doctor who listens! Do not give up, change doctor, demand to see a specialist! There are tablets with a stronger / better effect! Acne is a troublesome disease, but can almost always be really relieved!

Acne and rosacea - nothing helps

Question 13 by Chriz: Hello! Has had problems with acne since puberty, is now 41 and has been diagnosed with rosacea. Take Tetralysal twice daily since 2010 - Finacea gel locally on the face and upper body, and Ketoconazole for the scalp. Have been doing this for two years now but I do not think I will get better, nor does it feel good to eat antibiotics for that long. Do you have any advice for me? What should I do? Suffers a lot from not being able to dress the way I want or look nice on the face, neck, shoulders and neck.

Mats Berg answers: Hello! An experienced dermatologist probably needs to look at you and assess your rosacea. As easy to treat as rosacea can be, as difficult to treat it can sometimes be. Rosazole cream may possibly provide a supplement, Oraceat tablets, Tetracycline tablets or Toaccutane capsules sometimes have a better effect and for some only special vascular lasers help. You have to see yourself to understand which!

45 years old and still has acne

Question 14 by Sassa123: Hello! Is a woman of 45 is still suffering from acne to and fro. I imagine that it follows the menstrual cycle, because it worsens during menstruation, when the face feels more "inflamed". I think this is embarrassing as an adult, feels like a teenage problem. Therefore, I always make sure that there are no whiteheads, above all, but also blackheads. Then squeezing them away, which I understand is not a good method. But what should I do? Is it just giving up at my age? However, acne has never been really severe.

Mats Berg answers: The only thing you must not do is give up! There are many medications that help. You do not have a worse effect because you are your age, but you need to see a knowledgeable and interested doctor.

Acne returned after treatment with Tetracycline 

Question 15 by Lisa L: Hi, Our 15-year-old daughter has been taking the medicine Tetracycline Meda for two winters with very good results. She has just completed a course that has been going on for 6 months. After only a 2 week break, the acne returns. It is very difficult for her as the acne is both on the face and on the back. Her father had major problems with acne in his teens. Is there anything else we can do now during the summer months?

Mats Berg answers: You should always combine tablets with topical agents (for example Basion, Differin or Epiduo), in addition, you should not give cures longer than 3 months. Ask your doctor to read the latest medical journal - there is an article on how to treat acne (in which I myself participated). The answer is that there is a lot to do in terms of treatment!

Acne, oily and impure skin

Question 16 by Makober: Hello! My 16-year-old son has major problems with acne, oily and impure skin. He has previously received 3 monthly doses of Tetralysal 300 mg and has become noticeably better. Now the capsules are gone and the acne has returned. Can he continue to eat Tetralysal - and if so, for how long? He suffers terribly from "being ugly" as he puts it. (His older brother got Roaccutane for his severe acne. He is 21 years old and still has acne, although milder nowadays.)

Mats Berg: You should always combine tetralysal with topical agents and in that case you can repeat the course at this age. If it comes back quickly several times and he has a severe acne, Roaccutane can be considered.

Acne on the face and back

Question 17 by Ninnan: Hello! Both me and my husband had a lot of problems with acne (on the face and back) and suffered a lot from it up to about 17 years of age when it thankfully disappeared. We both got medicine for our acne but do not remember what. We have three children and I worry that they will get double up when both my husband and I had it, because surely it is hereditary? What can be done to prevent it? Our oldest child is only 9 years old but my started at the age of 12 so I would like to be prepared.

Mats Berg answers: You can not prevent (you do not know of a good acne diet that helps everyone), but you can treat when pimples occur. They do not have to get as bad acne as you do, so heredity is not typical and there are always new better acne remedies.

Bumpy skin - what can you do?

Question 18 by Anneliesson: Hello! Bumpy skin, can you do something to make them smaller or less visible on the face, or do I just "like the situation" that I look like I do? I ate Roaccutane when I was 23, am 38 today.

Mats Berg answers: A cosmetic skin surgeon (can be a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or ear doctor) could probably grind the skin or otherwise make it less bumpy. In many county councils, you unfortunately have to pay yourself - ask before about cost.

Acne-like problems since adolescence

Question 19 by woman34: Hello! I have had acne-like problems since I was a teenager. pimples and a smaller type of pimples, on the cheeks most but also in the rest of the face and neck. It feels hopeless! Has been treated with most things but the problems always recur. Roaccutane in adolescence, tetracyclines. It helped but the problems came back after I stopped taking the medicine. Dermatologists say I have a mild form of rosacea, do not know how to think. The tough products can help but also irritate !?

Mats Berg answers: Rosacea has partly a different treatment and sometimes it can be difficult to separate the diseases years, so you probably need to see an experienced dermatologist. Sometimes you may need to give Roaccutane several times, in addition, there have been new acne remedies.

Pimples on the chin and around the mouth

Question 20 by Angelica: I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm 30 years old. Therefore, it is extra annoying to get large purulent pimples on the chin and around the mouth. Before I had my first child almost six years ago, I had moderate acne and never thought it was a problem. Now after two pregnancies, it is starting to feel like a problem. Does it have to do with hormones? Can I do something about it?

Mats Berg answers: With two pregnancies behind you, I would not think it has anything to do with the hormones - you can have a troublesome acne at your age anyway. Admittedly, some birth control pills can get better, but there are many effective acne medications as well.

How to remove demodex?

Question 21: Hi, how to remove demodex, what type of treatments are appropriate?

Mats Berg answers: Demodex is a parasite, the significance of which in rosacea is much debated. In Sweden, there is no obvious readily available parasite (there is, among other things, the veterinary drug Ivermectin).

Recommendation for the US version of Proactive?

Question 22 by Frida: Would you recommend the American version of Proactive, which apparently should contain completely different active substances than the one that may be sold in Sweden? Friends' children who have moved to the USA have got completely flawless skin after using it, but there must be a reason why it is not sold as it is in Sweden.

Mats Berg answers: Sorry, there is no good scientific evidence that this is an important effective medicine.

Can Acne Remedies Cause Depression?

Question 23: Have you heard that acne medicine can cause depression? It is possible? My son has a terrible acne and nothing helps.

Mats Berg answers: Acne causes depression above all. It is being researched whether the medicines can also do this (myself, for example), but there is no good evidence that this is the case (there is a lot of bullshit on the internet as well). Seek a good doctor and treat!

Is surgery the only alternative to atheroma?

Question 24 from Henrik-68: I have had acne before but got atheroma. I am 44 years old and I wonder if there is anything other than surgery to use in my case?

Mats Berg answers: No, against atheroma only a surgeon helps - they are encapsulated.

Is there any other solution than Roaccutane 

Question 25: My daughter who is 18 years old has had severe facial acne for about 2 years. She has taken liquid B vitamins and used various remedies for the skin but nothing helps. We have heard of other young people who have received Roacutan from a doctor and unfortunately have had side effects in the form of severe mood swings. Is there another solution?

Mats Berg answers: Acne gives mood swings and I have heard that young people can also get it just like us adults. Vitamin B has no proven effect, but there are many drugs including Roaccutane that have it. I have given many hundreds of Roaccutane treatments to severely affected patients and I would never have done it if I thought I had harmed them!

How do I address my son's acne problems with him?

Question 26 by karin123456: Hi! I have a son who is 20 years old and has had acne for about 3 years. He does not seem to suffer from it but it is quite a lot and I do not really know how to deal with it with him. Is it to a dermatologist you should go in the first place?

Mats Berg answers: If he does not suffer from it, you can wonder if it is important to him. You must not project your cosmetic ideals on him. If he has abscesses, however, it can be important to avoid scars by treating. But it is enough to go to a general practitioner in the first place.

Acne can heal itself at any age

Question 27 by Snakazoid: A hot tip! I am a 26 year old girl who has had problems with pimples / acne since my teens. Tried everything, creams and pills. Now I eat pantothen tablets and another pill called Pure skin both are herbal remedies and are available at the Health Food store. No side effects and now I will soon be fine.

Mats Berg answers: Sorry if I am a boring killer of joy, with acne can heal itself at any age. If this really helped, one could easily show it in a controlled scientific study, which is not done. Ugh how boring I sound, but there are many effective drugs that almost always help. The worst I know are patients who lose money on expensive products that are not properly researched !!!!

Blackheads on the nose and under the lower lip

Question 28 by Annemone: Hello! Admittedly, I am not a youth (60+) but have always had blackheads on the nose and under the lower lip. Have tried dehydrating agents but they are always there. What is there to do? Is normal / underweight.

Mats Berg answers: A dermatologist can burn / warm away the blackheads and you can always try prescription a-vitamin creams.

Hard to know what skin type I have

Question 29 by student89: Hello! I have a hard time knowing what skin type I have. I have acne and blackheads = which gives me oily skin, rosacea = which makes my skin very sensitive, plus I always get dry after I wash my face or shower and also show skin tests with a device at the pharmacy show I have very dry skin.

I'm completely confused. How do I know which products suit my skin best if I do not even know what skin type I have. Please help, I have to treat my problematic face with the right product and do not have all the value money or time to test a lot of products and also for all skin types: S.

Mats Berg answers: Sometimes it can be just as confusing as you describe and it can have several skin diseases. You will probably need to see a dermatologist. The remedies skinoren and finacea can help with both acne and rosacea and usually do not irritate the skin as much.

What skin type is affected by rosacea?

Question 30 by rosacea: Hi Mats! What skin type do we have that is affected by rosacea?

Mats Berg: Hello! It depends on what you mean by skin type? Most often - but not always - it is light-skinned people who easily burn themselves in the sun and it is believed that rosacea is most common in Sweden and Ireland. I myself am one of two people responsible for a large epidemiological study in seven countries, which will investigate how common rosacea is in other countries and who is affected.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ane - What is it and How can you treat it?

Impure and acne-prone skin is a very common problem that most often occurs on the face, chest, back and / or shoulders due to increased. You can have different degrees of acne, from mild to severe and the problems usually begin during puberty when androgens, sex hormones, begin to be produced and stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, or sebum, than necessary.

An excess of sebum along with insufficient exfoliation of old skin cells allows a clot to form in the hair follicle - a blackhead, or comedone, has formed. The oily skin also often has an excess of bacteria that can cause inflammation in the blocked hair follicle, which can lead to a pimple (also called papule or pustule). The inflammations can become very deep, which can lead to cysts.


The causes of acne are mainly four; hyperkeratosis  (thickening of the stratum corneum, stratum corneum),  increased sebum production , bacteria and inflammation of the skin . Hormones and heredity are thought to be behind these conditions.

Acne is not due to not washing often enough, quite the opposite! There is also not much evidence that, for example, chocolate or fatty foods aggravate acne. However, it is believed that certain carbohydrates, large amounts of dairy products and smoking can aggravate the condition. Makeup and creams that are comedogenic, ie clogging the gums, can also be contributing causes.


Sometimes the acne can be so severe that medical treatment is necessary to prevent the worsening of the symptoms and to counteract scarring. However, drugs such as retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics can make the skin dry and cause sun sensitivity.

With the right type of skin care treatment, and by avoiding things that can cause and aggravate acne, one can avoid the classic side effects of the drugs, but still act on the symptoms. These are products that cleanse and treat the skin by regulating sebum production, speeding up cell renewal, fighting bacterial infections and reducing inflammation.

Look for the following ingredients in your products if you want to counteract and treat acne: 

BHA (salicylic acid): This acid has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is fat-soluble, which makes it suitable for a slightly oily skin with clogged pores. It has the ability to exfoliate down the pores, which dissolves sebum clots that can otherwise lead to inflammation in the skin.
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Reduces inflammation of the skin, inhibits acne bacteria  p. Acnes  and reducing scars and stains.
Zinc oxide: Has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces excess sebum and inhibits the acne bacterium  p. Acnes .
Antioxidants: Helps protect skin cells from free radicals and relieves inflammation and redness.
Mandelic acid: An AHA acid that is known for its antibacterial properties in addition to the exfoliating effect of the acid.
Azelaic acid: Antibacterial antioxidant that soothes irritations and has a sebum-regulating effect.
Retinol, retinyl palmitate / acetate: Milder forms of the prescription vitamin A preparation tretinoin. Can in most cases also be tolerated by more sensitive skin types. Regulates sebum production.


  • Avoid products that contain alcohol. Alcohol dries out the skin, which leads to it producing even more sebum.
  • Always remove makeup before going to bed.
  • Avoid makeup products that contain waxes. These can clog the pores.
  • Do not wash your face. Twice daily is enough to wash with a gentle cleansing product that does not dry out the skin.
  • Do not use peels with grains, scrubbing gloves or anything else that may irritate the skin. It can aggravate acne. Instead, use a product with BHA acid that chemically exfoliates the skin.
  • Protect yourself from the sun! UV light can lead to acne breakouts. Choose an oil-free, light sunscreen product when you need to be in the sun and complement it with clothes and a cap or hat.
  • Last but not least - do not squeeze the pimples! This can aggravate the inflammation in the skin and make the condition worse.

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